Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rename a bunch of files with a finger tip!

Some cameras have functions to set the name of photos taken, some don't. Some softwares, e.g.Digikam, offer the function to rename the files during import images from camera to a PC.
What about if your camera does not have the function to set the name of the photos or you, for whatever reason, want to rename your collection of files later?

Let's write a simple Bash script to do this job!

First, let us check if the parameters required are less than 3. I always add the usage and help here because this becomes handy whenever you want to know the script syntax.

$# is the argument count.
${0##*/} is the base name of $0 which is the script name to make the output short.
$1,$2 are the first and second arguments.

Next, let us make this change directly inside the directory.

for f in *.[jJ][pP][gG] means for each file matches .jpg or .JPG or .jPg or similar.
old_name=${f##*/} is to get the basename of the file.
new_name=${old_name//$old_string/$new_string} is to replace old string or search string with new string where the old string found in old_name or original file name, then give back the result to the new name.

That's it! A piece of cake, isn't it?


if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
echo "To rename jpg files in directory"
echo "usage: ${0##*/} new_string old_string directory"
echo "example: ${0##*/} Graz _MG ~/Pictures/Graz/web"
exit 1


cd $3

for f in *.[jJ][pP][gG]
old_name=${f##*/} #base filename
new_name=${old_name//$old_string/$new_string} #replace string
if [ ! -w $f ]; then
echo "warning ...$f is not writable "
mv $f $new_name
echo "renaming ... $old_name -> $new_name"
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