Thursday, October 8, 2009

Gps Tracking on Google Maps/Goole Earth from Navigon

Navigon is probably the best navigation brand on-date. Several new products launched since 2008 are most known for several outstanding features such as Reality View, Terrain View, 3D City View, pedestrian navigation and multiple alternative routes. Recently, it was also added a new GPS Tracking features which allows the user to view the route on Google Earth and Google Maps using kml format. A feature which I would like my navigation to have which was known to be suported by Garmin navigation.
Open GpsTracking using Goolge Earth, simply click "File -> Open" on Google Earth to import the kml file. To use it on Google Map, you need to upload the file to internet, and copy the URL to the Search Box.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Variadic Macros

I ran into a problem of variadic macro __VA_ARGS__, the code porting from Windows when compling in Symbian. It issued the error "badly punctuated parameter list in `#define'" and caused "cpp.EXE" to stop with failure.

Google a bit and the solution was found under NewLC:

An information about variadic macro for GCC was to be found here: